Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bye Bye Grouchy Pills

Today is Avery's first day off of his grouchy pills AKA steroids.  Maybe we will see a change in his attitude soon.  Lets keep our fingers crossed.  His spinal procedure went good this morning although he is a little sore in his back.  I was able to sneak out and get him some noodles while he was sedated so he was pretty happy when he got back to the room.  And I was pretty stoked too since I was able to get a good cup of JOE for a change!!  We won't have the results from the bone marrow aspiration until early next week hopefully but we are pretty confident all the Leukemia cells will be gone.  This doesn't mean everything will be over of course but it does mean we are on the right track to a full recovery. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that he got some"loodles" and you got a GREAT cup of coffee! Miss you two very much on Emily Lane! :)
